What does a glass need to offer for a wine to develop as it should?

Imagine you love wine and you want to share your passion with as many people as possible. You are familiar with several excellent wines and you are always discovering new gems. Yet the pleasure of the moment is always dampened because the ‘trappings’ are not quite right.

This is how wine taster René Gabriel felt over ten years ago. No glass could both meet his expectations and be used across the board. So he just designed his own ‘trappings’: the Gabriel Glass. The glass that does everything.

He believes a wine glass should help the wine express its aroma, characteristics and body – that is what makes an ideal glass. So he started seriously thinking about the ‘trappings,’ sketching ideas and talking to professional glass designers. The end result was a medium-sized, classy wine glass, equally ideal for enjoying any type of wine.

I'd rather have a cellar full of wine than a cupboard full of glasses.


René Gabriel, inventor