are all ‘clean’

MEIKO Mitarbeiter im Labor


the inventors and the tinkerers

A spirit of innovation and the desire to develop something new: that is something we are all born with. MEIKO has its roots in Offenburg, on the edges of the Black Forest. The area is a unique natural environment and world famous for its tourism. But it is also home to many inventors and tinkerers. It is home to finely tuned mechanics, precision technology and the art of engineering. This is where ideas flow. And MEIKO is at the heart of it. We offer heat recovery systems, efficient water consumption, smart choices of materials and pioneering solutions like the GiO MODULE so that dishes can dry with no residues on them. MEIKO ideas are at the cutting edge.

Tinker, develop, make

Let us take a peek into our sacred space: our development lab. This is the heart of MEIKO. This is where we experiment with new materials and try out new techniques and approaches – ready for the next generation of machines made by MEIKO.


are not a finite resource at MEIKO!

Here in the MEIKO development lab, new ideas are brought to life, or rather: to the kitchen. This is where prototypes are put through their paces. Not only once but perhaps 1.2 million times already. That is what happened in the development of the automatic hood system for the new M-iClean H. We learn: a machine has to be something special to earn that coveted ‘M’ on the rating plate. Made by MEIKO.