In Hong Kong, a restaurant would usually spend USD1400 a month for a dishwashing staff who works 10 hours a day and cleans up to 500 sets of tableware. Including utility cost, detergent, bleach, and employee’s mandatory provident fund (excluding the amount of oil they have to deal with!), a restaurant would spend approximately USD2540 for a dishwashing task. This could be reduced if the restaurant resorts to adopting a centralised dishwashing centre using an efficient dishwashing machine.
Well, there’s also the emotional outbursts apart from the oil. Have you seen chefs screaming at another chef or staff in a typical Asian restaurant kitchen? Truth is, we should all get over the days of “angry chefs”; emotions can be better managed when a kitchen workflow is all figured out.
A lot of commercial kitchens are inefficiently designed — the production area is poorly organised and the floor plan does not consider menu prior to planning. There should be a dedicated area for dishwashing as much as there is an area for storage, food preparation, cooking, baking, and trash storage. Performance and workflow in the kitchen are important — a dishwashing machine ergonomically placed within a dishwashing area can certainly help with that.