Vater zeigt Tochter, wie man Plastikflaschen recycelt


9 tips to help us produce less plastic waste in our day-to-day lives

The world is drowning in plastic waste. It is high time that we all started consciously avoiding products and packaging made from single-use plastics in our day-to-day lives. We explain how it works. Our article entitled, ‘The problem with plastic’ contains facts and figures about a world where plastic is omnipresent. It also features information about the impact of plastic waste on animals, people and planet. But now let's consider the question: What can we actually do?

How we handle plastic in the future and how we avoid plastic waste are global challenges. But everybody can do something! We need to change how we think and, especially, avoid disposable products. Read more to find out how:

Washing reusable cups: no problem with Meiko warewashing technology
Did you know that reusable cups survive more than 400 wash cycles before they need to be recycled?