Einfach nur weggeworfen: Dutzende von Einweg-Plastikbechern liegen auf der Straße


Plastic waste can be found everywhere: in the ground, in rivers and in the oceans – even in us humans

Keeping track of what is going on in the world of plastic can be a real challenge. Some people point to increasing environmental pollution and the fact that the problem of waste disposal is yet to be solved. They are demanding a complete ban on single-use plastics, while other people are calling for moderation. After all, many areas of day-to-day life such as medicine and industry would be unthinkable without plastic these days.

That is why we want to look at the problem with plastic from different perspectives. In our first article, we will provide facts and figures about a world where plastic is omnipresent and take a look at the impact of plastic waste on animals, people and planet. The second article will contain ideas on how to avoid plastic in day-to-day life.